What does a day-of wedding coordinator do exactly?


Blair, what’s the number one question you get asked as a “day-of coordinator”.
That’s easy… What do you do and why do I need one?

Honestly, it’s a fair enough question. And sadly, the answer will be slightly different from everyone you speak to in this industry. But here’s the skinny on what I do… and why I think you need a coordinator, like myself.

From day one, I will be your go-to gal for questions and concerns. If you hire the Studio on to just be a day-of coordinator, I will jump in with questionnaires and information gathering methods to get all of the details you have in your head onto virtual paper (try to be paper-conscience here!). I always start with a simple google doc that lets me know all the kinds of vendors you have on board. Then I translate those into my online platform called Aisle Planner.

Once we have all your people in place, it’s time for the timeline. Sometimes, I double up a timeline meeting with a venue tour, but only if it makes sense for both of our schedules. If we double up, I’ll meet you at the venue and walk the site with you and get a feel for your vision of the day’s flow. I come prepared with a lot of questions for the venue that help my team be the most efficient on the big day.

After we have a good sense of the space and how you’d like the general flow to work, we dig into the timeline concept. Initially, we start with a rough draft to direct the overall timeline – when big items start and end. Then I’ll go back through on my own time and add more detail. We will have a final timeline meeting about 4 weeks before your wedding.

When the timeline is detailed enough for vendor feedback, typically about 6 to 8 weeks ahead of time… I will send your timeline to all of your vendors and ask for their comments and questions. This process usually takes about a week or two because all of your vendors are getting used to communicating with a coordinator. But trust me, they are all grateful to have someone driving the bus! Vendor partners send in all their comments and necessary set-up times, and I add all of that to your detailed timeline information.

About 4 weeks before your special day, I’ll schedule another meeting to finalize the timeline and fill in all the remaining details. Two weeks out, I resend the timeline to all of our vendors for the day and I include floor plans if necessary.

I like to  have a phone call about 1-2 weeks before the big day to make sure nothing’s changed on the timeline or some detail hasn’t been missed. Also, it’s just great to chit chat with my couples! I confirm the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner time, and then off we go.

If the Studio is assisting with your rehearsal, I will arrive about 30 minutes before the rehearsal starts to pick up any of your DIY or personal items you’d like set up at the ceremony or reception. Then I take you and your family and friends through at least two walk throughs of the entire ceremony. I’m also there to answer any questions your guests might have, and rest assured, they will have lots of questions! Where to stand? How to stand? Where to face? When to sit or walk or start or stop…. You get the idea, right?

Next day, I wake up early, load up on chai latte’s and breakfast, grab my trusty assistant (my husband, of course) and head off to execute your wedding timeline. Depending on where your ceremony is located in conjunction with your reception, we might see a lot or a little of each other on the big day. But never fear, I’m always available by phone! Text me any time if you need something or think of something random.

We are here for YOU TWO first and foremost.

This factor is the major difference between having a day-of coordinator and choosing to forgo one on your wedding day… I am always in your corner. If something goes wrong, a vendor flakes out, something breaks, or a guest gets a little cranky… my Studio is there to help find a reasonable solution as quickly as possible! We can’t promise that your day won’t have a few hiccups, but you certainly won’t know about every single one of them or have to deal with them yourself. The Studio is there to look out for your best interests all day long! Venue coordinator’s are amazing… but they won’t go back to the hotel to grab your veil or make sure your aunts get in the right Uber or bring your unity candle from the church. They are there for the venue at the end of the day, and we are there for YOU TWO all day long. Start to finish!

At the end of the night, we make sure all of your lovely décor and personal items, along with all your gifts and cards are tucked away safely with a trusted family member or friend. We pack everything up and send a follow up email at the end of the night so you know that all your stuff is in Aunt Susan’s car… not Uncle Bob’s.

Most importantly, sit back and relax… that’s why you’ve hired us! We are here to make this process as stress free as possible for you and your family. And we absolutely love doing it!

In short, yes I believe you need a wedding coordinator. Even if you don’t hire BW Studio+Events, hire a professional to be in your corner and have your back every step of the way!

Questions? Please send us an email.
We are always thrilled to hear from prospective clients or people curious about the process. Talk to you soon!


A Night of Love and Dancing | Katrina & Tyler 2019


Happily a Hickey | Amelia & Eric 2019