Postponing your wedding due to Covid-19


Welcome to 2020, and what a year it has been so far…

Trust me, we are right along side you…. we know this is an uncertain time in your life. You have probably held onto the hope that your wedding day is safe for as long as possible, but now you are coming to accept the inevitable. Or, you are like others that just had to pull the plug at a moment’s notice and change gears. Whichever boat you are in… I want to help guide it safely to shore and help put together a picture-perfect wedding day for you both.

This year alone, BW Studio was going to be a part of 13 magical weddings. All varieties of shapes, sizes, ethnicities, religions, and locations… we were going to celebrating in restaurants, hotels, historic mansions, breweries, and family churches. I had never been more excited about a season of weddings like I had been for 2020.

Then, March came. The reality of what was about to hit our industry washed over me like a tidal wave of denial. Not me, not my couples, not our weddings. We will be fine. April weddings will reschedule. May weddings will happen, and we will all be safe and healthy by then. I spoke to my clients every week on the phone, closely monitoring the situation.

Eventually, we all came to the realization that the seriousness of this virus was going to rock the country (and the world) for far longer than any of us had anticipated.

Quickly, my amazing clients picked up their emotions, set them aside, and chose health, safety, and wellness over themselves. Love was certainly not canceled! But by this time, they had already missed all of their fun ancillary wedding events – the bridal showers, the luncheon teas, the bachelor and bachelorette nights…. The list goes on and on. Mainstays of the wedding planning process had already been taken from them.

All BW Studio clients were basically given a handful of options… and we crafted each solution to the needs of each couple.


Postpone the wedding entirely… chose a new date that feels safe. Preferably in the late fall or winter. Some even chose to go well into 2021 and reduce their stress by tenfold.


Elope on your wedding day… just run down to the courthouse and do this thing! And then we plan an enormous one-year anniversary party for you, your family, and friends.


Wait and see. This option is never fun…. But our fall couples are playing the wait and see game at the moment. They are fortunate enough to have the foresight and knowledge that the April and May couples never had. These couples have all set dates – “we will know by X date if we pull the plug or not”. And now, we know what that process looks like for them.

Once a direction is chosen, then we divide and conquer. Big chains of emails start to all the vendor partners to see who is available for what dates! I help craft those… I am a master at getting people’s attention with catchy email titles.

Once everyone is on board, we rework your timeline – if needed. If a vendor is not available for that date, we hustle hard to find you a perfect replacement. Most importantly, I am with you every step of the way. I am here to listen… all of your emotions about this time are valid. Loss is loss, even if it is a day on the calendar.

Then we all sit back with a giant glass of champagne or hot tea and relax… because that was probably a wee bit stressful!! But it is certainly less stressful when you have a professional in your corner helping guide the path.

Please, please, please… if you are struggling with your post-Covid19 Plan reach out. I would love to discuss what you can do to make this a seamless transition. I want to be here for you in this crazy time in your life… because one day, this will all be an excellent dinner story.

Wishing you all peace, health, and sanity.

Do not hesitate to call, text, or email…. you know I’m home! ; )  


Grand Party turned Intimate Soiree | Carrie & Nick 2020


Featured on: Lakeshore in Love